Paul preaching to Jews in Damascus
Dr. Rollens responds to Canon: An AJR Forum with a New Testament perspective.
Read MorePaul preaching to Jews in Damascus
Paul preaching to Jews in Damascus
Dr. Rollens responds to Canon: An AJR Forum with a New Testament perspective.
Read MoreIf used at both the beginning and the end of a module, word clouds can provide an informal assessment technique, gauging the progress of what students learn throughout the course of the module.
Read MoreJohn Penniman's dissertation argues that "for ancient Jews and Christians, nourishment symbolized a transformative process, a transfer of essential qualities and characteristics that could mold the one being fed into the likeness of the one doing the feeding.
Read MoreThe Circumcision by Vincenzo Catena
The Circumcision by Vincenzo Catena
And the eight days were fulfilled for circumcising him, and he was called by the name Jesus, which he was called by the angel before he was conceived in the womb. - Luke 2:21
Read MoreQumran
"David with harp" 6th cent Gaza Synagogue
"David with harp" 6th cent Gaza Synagogue
This week in Canon: An AJR Forum Eva Mroczek imagines the fluidity of sacred writing.
Read MoreBinding of Isaac panel from the synagogue mosaic at Beth Alpha.
Binding of Isaac panel from the synagogue mosaic at Beth Alpha.
This week in Canon: An AJR Forum Timothy Lim discusses his theory of the "majority canon."
Read MoreWhen did the Bible become the Bible? This forum is interested not just in challenging former conceptions about the Bible, but in highlighting some of the interesting variations and configurations of scripture that existed in the Second Temple period.
Read MoreYonatan Miller presents priestly violence as “proto-martyrdom” and illustrate how this paradigm prefigures the highly stylized discursive functions of its better-known successor.
Read MoreHappy One Year Ancient Jew Review Anniversary! The editors address their most asked question: "What is Ancient Judaism?"
Read MoreSt. Paul, St. Chrysostom, and St. Basil. Carlo Crivelli, 1493.
St. Paul, St. Chrysostom, and St. Basil. Carlo Crivelli, 1493.
In “Paul’s Therapy of the Soul: A New Approach to John Chrysostom and Anti-Judaism,” I argue that Chrysostom appropriates Paul’s Jewishness in order to amplify his own fourth century characterization of Jews as diseased and of Paul as an exemplar of non-Jewish Christian orthodoxy.
Read MoreThough scholars have largely overlooked demons as a source of information about rabbinic law, cross-cultural interaction, and theology, this dissertation has asked how the inclusion of rabbinic demonology enriches our picture of rabbinic discourse and thought in Late Antique Sasanian Babylonia.
Read MoreBrian Davidson interviews Andrew Perrin about his book The Dynamics of Dream-Vision Revelation in the Aramaic Dead Sea Scrolls (V&R, 2015).
Read MoreThe Augustan poet Vergil in a 3rd-century mosaic or Peer Reviewers deciding a submission's decide.
The Augustan poet Vergil in a 3rd-century mosaic or Peer Reviewers deciding a submission's decide.
The Ancient Jew Review sat down with Jordan Rosenblum editor of Ancient Judaism at Currents in Biblical Research. Learn about the scope of the journal as well as submission advice.
Read MoreEl Mestizaje by Oswaldo Guayasamin
El Mestizaje by Oswaldo Guayasamin
In Borderlands/La Frontera of the Late Ancient Egyptian Desert: Space, Identity, and the Ascetic Imagination, I consider the descriptions of desert space in Christian hagiography from Late Antiquity.
Read More‘Ezra Reads the Law’
‘Ezra Reads the Law’
This project examines the implications of 4 Ezra and 2 Baruch in understanding Jewish leadership in the period following the destruction of the second temple in 70 C.E.
Read MoreIn a two-part series, Dr. Adam McCollum addresses the possibilities for the field of Judeo-Persian language and literature. Part Two includes a helpful bibliography and four text samples.
Read MoreIn a two-part series, Dr. Adam McCollum addresses the possibilities for the field of Judeo-Persian language and literature. Part One addresses the state of the field.
Read MoreRecently the Ancient Jew Review sat down with Dr. Seth Schwartz (Columbia University) to discuss his newest book The Ancient Jews from Alexander to Muhammad.
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