Dr. Liora Goldman on priestly tradition, wisdom, and apocalypticism in the Qumran Aramaic texts.
Read MoreBetween Mesopotamia and Qumran: Cuneiform Literature and Jewish Aramaic Texts of the Second Temple Period
Pallas Athena and Aegis surrounded by the moon's cycle. Vatican Museum.
Pallas Athena and Aegis surrounded by the moon's cycle. Vatican Museum.
Dr. Henryk Drawnel on cultural competition and critique between Mesopotamia and Qumran.
Read MoreThe Inception and Idiom of the Apocalypse in the Qumran Aramaic Texts
Aramaic Tobit at Qumran
"Tobias' and Sara's Wedding Night" by Jan Havicksz Steen ca. 1626 – 1679 in Museum Bredius
"Tobias' and Sara's Wedding Night" by Jan Havicksz Steen ca. 1626 – 1679 in Museum Bredius
Dr. Devorah Dimant on marriage, demons, burials, and halakhah in Tobit and Qumran.
Read MoreThe Aramaic Language of the Dead Sea Scrolls: Why it Matters and What Lies Ahead
Genesis Apocryphon Scroll (1QapGen) © The Israel Museum, Jerusalem
Genesis Apocryphon Scroll (1QapGen) © The Israel Museum, Jerusalem
Dr. Daniel Machiela on the linguistic makeup Aramaic at Qumran and the Bible.
Read MoreThe Choice of Aramaic and Hebrew: Ideological Considerations
Persepolis tablets with Aramaic. The Oriental Institute, University of Chicago
Persepolis tablets with Aramaic. The Oriental Institute, University of Chicago
Dr. Jonathan Ben-Dov on the ideology of language choice in ancient Judaism
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