Mosaic of a philosopher sitting on a rock | Likely sixth century, currently housed in the Great Palace Mosaic Museum, Istanbul | Image Source
New publication! Thomas McGlothlin on his book, Resurrection as Salvation: Development and Conflict in Pre-Nicene Paulinism (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018)
McGlothlin: “In this adjusted focus, Resurrection as Salvation breaks new ground by asking a new question of second- and third-century texts on resurrection. How did different understandings of the purpose of resurrection, inherited from Second Temple Judaism and the New Testament, shape early Christian accounts of resurrection—not just what it is, but why it happens, and relatedly how and to whom?”
Book Note: Richard Hidary, Rabbis and Classical Rhetoric: Sophistic Education and Oratory in the Talmud and Midrash (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2018)
Rosenberg: “Multiple times, I read Hidary’s explanations of rabbinic passages as rhetoric and thought about how this explains frustration my students express at the weirdness of rabbinic literature. Whether they received these forms from Cicero or came to them independently, the fact that the rabbis are not alone in producing these forms makes clear that the strategy is effective, and Hidary’s rhetorical analyses ably show what that strategy is. A literary work need not be efficient or conclusive to be persuasive.”
Articles and News
Open access to articles in Method and Theory in the Study of Religion, including William Arnal’s excellent piece on the “second-century invention” of Christianity.
The Beazley Archive Pottery Database, containing more than a quarter of a million images of ancient Greek vases.
New publication: the first Greek text of the Letter of Aristeas published in more than a century.
Blog piece on the new Institute for the Study of the Ancient World exhibit on silver hoards and Roman luxury.
The Society of Classical Studies site reviews EAGLE (The Electronic Archive of Greek and Latin Epigraphy).
More blogging from Tony Burke on even more Christian apocrypha, including editorial cautionary tales.
Interesting computational digital humanities project, KITAB, seeks tools and techniques for tracking text reuse and intellectual networks in premodern Arabic.
Hefty Codex Amiatinus about to go on display at the British Library.
Prof. Hindy Najman delivers concluding remarks wrapping up an incredible conference launching the Centre for the Bible in the Humanities launch @OrielOxford @UniofOxford
— Dr. Annette Yoshiko Reed (@AnnetteYReed) 18 October 2018
Karen B. Stern's book "Writing on the Wall: Graffiti & the Forgotten Jews of Antiquity" is featured today on the CUNY website w an interview with this creative author: Check out the book here: @PrincetonUPress
— Fred Appel (@fredlewisappel) 18 October 2018
New JLA looks great. Esp. looking forward to reading Anne Hunnell Chen on omitted Tetrarchic empresses (v. relevant to one of my current interests).
— Robin Whelan (@Whelan_Robin) 15 October 2018