Jonah and Prayer
“Prophecy and prayer, performance, composition of scriptures and their interpretation were all intertwined in vital and vibrant ways... The two prayers in Jonah offer illustrations of two of the many patterns of how prayer might intersect with scriptural tradition.”
The Ritualization of Psalms in the Dead Sea Scroll 1QHodayotᵃ (Thanksgiving Psalms from Qumran)
“One of the chief hurdles in the consideration of the psalms found in 1QHᵃ as compositions that may have been read aloud in communal settings is the use of the term “liturgical” to characterize such settings and texts.”
Were Early Rabbinic Prayers Scripted?
by Ruth Langer
“Are we correct to presume that early rabbinic liturgy had a textual tradition coherent with the models we know, including from their predecessors at Qumran? Did early rabbis have a system of memorized, orally transmitted yet fixed texts, or did their worship operate in a more free-form system?”
What is an Ancient Jewish Liturgy?
“[A] liturgy ought not to be reduced to some type of verbal worship or praying activity directed toward the divine.”