Dr. Sarit Kattan Gribetz describes how to sensitize students to the sounds in ancient texts.
Read MoreWebsite Construction as Introduction to Academic Research
Sample webpage from Biblical Theology Spring 2017 semester.
Sample webpage from Biblical Theology Spring 2017 semester.
Dr. Rebecca Falcasantos with an alternative website-building term project.
Read MoreWhy "Law" in Pauline Discourse
St. Paul by Lippo Memmi. On view at The Met Fifth Avenue in Gallery 625 [public domain]
St. Paul by Lippo Memmi. On view at The Met Fifth Avenue in Gallery 625 [public domain]
"One criticism I have of Paul and the law scholarship (and Matthew and the law as well) is that extra-Jewish materials are only incorporated into a scholar’s research when such materials are believed to have influenced Paul’s thought. Put differently, extra-Jewish materials only count for Paul and the law scholars if we think Paul knew about them."
Read MorePauline Paleontology
"The oblique nature of Paul’s references to the Abraham Narrative suggests that his implied readers, in fact, do know the basic contours of that story. Paul’s allusions to Genesis, therefore, must represent his efforts to get them to read or hear the Abraham Narrative very differently than they currently do."
Read MoreDescription, Redescription, and Textual Practices: Thiessen’s and Kaden’s Critical Interventions
"Description and Redescription – the classic interrelated activities that animate critical scholarship on religion. This roundtable affords the chance to examine two books that push the descriptive and redescriptive envelopes in their sectors of biblical studies."
Read MoreHow Faith Affects the Incorporation of the Gentile
"The Conversion of St. Paul" Benozzo Gozzoli on view in The MET 5th Ave Gallery 603 [public domain].
"The Conversion of St. Paul" Benozzo Gozzoli on view in The MET 5th Ave Gallery 603 [public domain].
"Ultimately, I believe that a full understanding of Paul combines both of these interpretations, though with one additional element. It is perhaps a function of my age that I am more cynical than our two authors, but I am inclined to agree that Paul’s offer of cosmic rule for gentiles of faith has the ring of a marketing ploy."
Read MoreSBL 2016 Pauline Epistles Review Panel
The SBL 2016 Pauline Epistles Review Panel including J. Albert Harrill, Christine Hayes, and Stephen Young with Matthew Thiessen and David Kaden responding.
Read MoreTwo Approaches to Pauline Discourse
"Reading Thiessen and Kaden synoptically thus fosters debate over how best to relate globalization studies and biblical studies."
Read MoreDissertation Spotlight | Sean P. Burrus
"The use of sarcophagus burial by Jewish patrons was a highly variable mode of cultural interaction, representing an ongoing negotiation of Jewishness by different individuals from different communities in the context of enduring cultural exchange."
Read MoreUnexpected Influences | Michael Swartz and Michael Satlow
Dr. Michael Swartz and Dr. Michael Satlow share a book that was an "unexpected influence" upon their academic work.
Read MoreThe Scope and Shape of the Watchers Myth in Antiquity
Dissertation Spotlight | Jessica Wright
"The 'cerebral subject' might be the product of neuroscience and early modern philosophy, but its roots go much further back to antiquity, in the encounter between emergent Christian theories of the soul and entrenched medical understandings of the brain."
Read MoreThe Developmental Composition of the Bible in View of Qumran
Qumran Aramaic Texts: A Forum
AJR and @TWUDSSI’s online celebration of the seventieth anniversary of the Dead Sea Scrolls continues with a second forum devoted to the Aramaic Texts at Qumran with Jonathan Ben-Dov, Daniel Machiela, Devorah Dimant, Andrew Perrin, Henryk Drawnel, and Liora Goldman.
Read MoreThe Compositions Relating to the Levitical Line in the Qumran Aramaic Scrolls
Dr. Liora Goldman on priestly tradition, wisdom, and apocalypticism in the Qumran Aramaic texts.
Read MoreEpiphanian Literature Beyond Greek: The Multilingual Textual Afterlives of Epiphanius
"These extra-Greek survivals of Epiphanian texts underscore the important place of, at a minimum, an awareness of these other languages and the activity of translators, and at best, facility in reading and understanding one or more of these languages. They remind us likewise of how far, linguistically speaking at least, the name and fame of Epiphanius had spread, and much the same might be found for many other writers included in the pages of CPG. "
Read MoreBetween Mesopotamia and Qumran: Cuneiform Literature and Jewish Aramaic Texts of the Second Temple Period
Pallas Athena and Aegis surrounded by the moon's cycle. Vatican Museum.
Pallas Athena and Aegis surrounded by the moon's cycle. Vatican Museum.
Dr. Henryk Drawnel on cultural competition and critique between Mesopotamia and Qumran.
Read MorePliny’s Prices: Signs of Economic Thought in the Early Empire
"Ultimately, while Pliny clearly had an eye for prices, the actual numbers he provides aren’t especially useful. His discussions of price formation, however, do give us considerable insight into the way the market functioned in Pliny’s time as well as into Pliny’s ‘economic thought’. In various places Pliny mentions the role of supply and demand, changes in fashion, lying salesmen and other forms of fraud, as well as labor costs."
Read MoreThe Inception and Idiom of the Apocalypse in the Qumran Aramaic Texts
Aramaic Tobit at Qumran
"Tobias' and Sara's Wedding Night" by Jan Havicksz Steen ca. 1626 – 1679 in Museum Bredius
"Tobias' and Sara's Wedding Night" by Jan Havicksz Steen ca. 1626 – 1679 in Museum Bredius
Dr. Devorah Dimant on marriage, demons, burials, and halakhah in Tobit and Qumran.
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